Educational Links
Educational Links Directory:
Educational links list a host of programmes which are specifically designed to support the curriculum and further develop both staff and pupil experience, through the means of physical and mental wellbeing. The provision will host qualifications and training whilst providing resources for learning, supporting development across the whole educational establishment.

Healthy Learning
Torbay Healthy Learning is part Torbay Council with primary input through the Public Health Team and Children’s Services.
To support schools throughout Torbay to improve health and wellbeing for children and young people aged 2-19, positively contributing to attendance, attainment and quality of life.
We aim to achieve this through working together with school staff and our partners in the Council, health service, voluntary sector and many more to offer a coherent and ‘joined up’ approach to effective, evidence-based wellbeing support in educational settings

Contact Details:
Kirsty Parker-Calland
01803 207 673

Torbay Council,
Town Hall,
Lower Ground Floor,